Thursday, October 29, 2009

natural talent

by photographer Hannes Fass

This is my summary of one of the most beautiful folk legends ever from the native american indians.

When the world was young, humans, nature and animals all lived in harmony. We worked together for the common good of our mother earth and peace abounded. In this time we could communicate with everything as we all spoke the same language. We could speak to a great tree or even a tiny ant. We could sing with the sea and laugh with the mountains. The flowers would tell us beautiful stories and the animals would share their deepest thoughts and dreams.

Sadly, one day an evil spirit came close to the humans. He tempted them with riches and the possibility of progress and development. The humans got a taste for
desire and became greedy. They began to imagine how many things they could possess by manipulating nature. They wanted more. They were no longer content.

The animals warned the humans that if they were to follow on that path of greed and evil then they would disrupt the balance of nature. The world would become a hell, not a heaven as it was then.
But the humans wouldn't listen. They were hynotised by the possibilites of the future in their hands. Humans began to use animals for labour, they cut down trees and took fish from the sea. The earth wept and knew that this was the beginning of a nightmare. The trees, mountains, rivers, seas, flowers and animals were angry at the humans and made a promise; from that day on they would no longer communicate with humans. The human would be cut off from nature and would have to survive on their own. From that day on all of nature and the animals became silent towards the humans.

Nowdays, so much time has passed that we have forgotten that we ever spoke the same language. We have forgotten how beautiful and peaceful the earth once was. We have forgotten that to take more than we need from nature is creating destruction. We have forgotten our roots. So now and until we learn our lesson, nature and animals will always remain silent.
Levai-me aonde quiserdes.

Aprendi com as primaveras

a deixar-me cortar e a voltar

sempre inteira.


Monday, September 7, 2009


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein

Are you one of the lucky few whose minds fly on the wind like delicate butterflies? minds where all emotions blend and scatter making a caleidoscope of impressions? minds where the stars become keyholes to worlds beyond? minds where grand ideas blossom like sweet roses on an ivy trelice? special minds which are kept hidden and protected against the ignorant who will destroy them with suspicion and insensitivity?

Are you?